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MiOK and ‘U alright mate?’ pair for men’s wellbeing


“U alright mate?” is proud to partner with global technology business DB Results and take up the wellbeing app MiOK to further support its community. “U alright mate?” is a not for profit that aims to educate and raise awareness around men’s mental health.

The MiOK customisable mobile application enables individuals to regularly check-in on a private and secure platform, and ask ‘Am I OK’? MiOK integrates tracking of emotional wellbeing along with health and wellness factors like physical activity, healthy eating, and sleep, as recommended by health experts. Importantly it alerts the user when it’s time to seek outside help.

“U alright mate? aims to open-up a conversation around mental health,” said Cameron Oates, who founded the organisation after his brother Troy took his own life in 2018.

“We encourage men to notice the signs when things aren’t right and seek professional help if needed. The MiOK application aligns perfectly with this intention,” explained Oates.

“To offer our community MiOK helps us empower them, build self- awareness and also points to expert help if needed. If we can make a difference for just one person, it makes our cause worthwhile”.

“U alright mate? strives to educate the community to better understand the implications of stress, anxiety and depression, especially amongst men, whom statistics show are most at risk,” said former CEO of World Vision Tim Costello AO.

“U alright mate? recognised that offering the MiOK application to its community, can help vulnerable people notice the signs when things aren’t right.”

“We are a digital business with expansive experience in the health industry, employing health experts and clinicians like myself,” said Candy D’Menzie, Chief Philanthropy and Clinical Adviser at DB Results. “We know that many organisations would like to do more to support their people but may not have the means at their disposal. That’s why we developed MiOK – to enable organisations a means of offering support from afar.”

MiOK is available to commercial organisations for a modest fee and to other NFP organisations like ‘U alright mate?’ at no cost.

Original content from DB Results. Note: Content has been edited for style and length.

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Nina Alvarez is a Content Producer for Healthcare Channel. Her interests include writing, particularly about the healthcare sector and the many ways it can improve to further benefit people from all walks of life.


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