
Tackling the high rates of dementia in the Torres Strait


James Cook University (JCU) researchers are set to pilot a locally-driven care model to address the high rates of dementia in the Torres Strait. The project, led by neuropsychologist Associate Professor Sarah Russell, will focus on people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI)—a key risk factor for developing dementia.

“Our previous studies have identified high rates of MCI,” says Dr Russell. “This is a condition where there is evidence of objective cognitive impairment but minimal functional impact.”

According to Dr Russell, transition rates from MCI to dementia can be around 10-15% each year. The team hopes that early, targeted care can interrupt this trajectory.

“Conversion rates from MCI to dementia are thought to be around 10-15% per year, which presents an ideal opportunity to target intervention programs for this at-risk group,” Dr Russell said.

The initiative, supported by a $950,000 grant from the Australian Government’s Medical Research Future Fund, will design programs that incorporate cognitive training, healthy diet, physical exercise, and strategies for maintaining overall health—all approaches shown to slow cognitive decline.

Related: Rural areas in Australia share $2.4M in dementia research funding

Dr Rhiann Sue See, a First Nations geriatrician who will complete her PhD through this research, highlights the scope of the issue: “We think MCI may currently impact more than one fifth of the Torres Strait population over 45-years-old. So, any intervention that can potentially delay or reduce the onset of dementia has significant health, social and financial benefits for individuals, communities and health services.”

She also notes that many of the risk factors for dementia and MCI can be addressed through lifestyle changes and educational programs. As a result, the team is working closely with local communities to ensure culturally tailored solutions:

“As locally-led solutions are seen by the community as a priority, this co-designed and co-produced model will incorporate First Nations concepts of health and wellbeing.”

Given that high rates of MCI have also been observed in other First Nations communities across Australia, the JCU researchers believe their model could be adapted nationally. The pilot will run until mid-2026.

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Ritchelle is a Content Producer for Healthcare Channel, Australia’s premier resource of information for healthcare.


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