For all nurses, mental health is an important topic. There’s plenty of facts and guidance for the ancient saying “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” You have probably chosen to help others with nursing. ...
Owing to modern medicine and technological advancements, people live longer than ever before. One-fifth of the US population is going to be 65 years old by 2050, compared to 12% in 2000, according to the ...
Budgeting is difficult for everyone, particularly those with a fixed income. Senior citizens are increasingly suffering financially after retirement, as they depend solely on the benefits of social security and low investments to achieve ends. ...
Rising the need for social isolation and self-imposed quarantine and the spread of this global pandemic is causing workers to avoid the workplace. The outbreak of COVID-19 left far more people isolated than in a ...
Housing is the biggest burden for the elderly. Beyond staying in a house, most of the elderly need more specialized treatment. It covers expenses, maintenance, and regulation. There is a daycare service for families on ...
Perhaps you need a private elderly care provider or want to use them. You can do this by getting an assessment of your care needs through My Aged Care and: is not considered suitable for ...
When investigating the money related components for aged care, there is a great deal of data out there which can be confounding. In view of this current, it is essential to have your inquiries replied ...
Victoria’s hospitals are likely to reach capacity in a matter of weeks, an emergency doctor in Melbourne warned. Dr. Sarah Whitelaw said hospitals were overburdened with a large number of cases of coronavirus as ...
Multiple sclerosis (MS) research in Australia received a major boost this week with new funding commitments from MS Western Australia and MS South Australia/Northern Territory taking the amount raised for research in 2020 to around$10.5million, ...
With less than four months of data — the outbreak only emerged in late 2019 — questions about immunity, especially in the long term, are difficult to answer. However, ABC health reporters had a stab ...
While the innovation for creating man-made reasoning fueled chatbots has existed for quite a while, another perspective piece in JAMA spreads out the clinical, moral, and legitimate viewpoints that must be considered before applying them ...
According to CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), we could get ourselves protected by getting a flue shot and pneumonia vaccine (full article here). Some adults are still hesitant of getting vaccines. Just like ...