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The “New” Normal: How to keep your workspace clean and safe


Keeping a clean workspace is important. You’re already stressed with the workload you have for the day, and the last thing you need is an overflowing waste paper basket or a mess of pens. And now in the face of a pandemic, keeping your space clean could very much save your life. You never know where office supplies have been and who has come into contact with them, so keeping clean is keeping safe.

Offices might hire a professional cleaning service, but cleaning your own workspace can be an extra layer of safety. You know your area better than anyone else, so here are some cleaning tips to keep you safe and sane at the workplace in this “new normal”.

Workspace tidiness: why do we need it?

Not only can keeping clean help with safety, it can also reduce stress on your end. Having a messy area can elevate anxiety levels and make one unproductive. Stress levels could go up way quicker, and can lower motivation to get the job done.

Ways to keep your workspace clean:

  • Clean your keyboards and desk tech. Your hands come into contact with so many things throughout the day, and some of those include your keyboard, mouse, and phone. There are special cleaning solutions for sensitive screens and electronic devices, and you can use a microfiber cloth to pick up any stray lint or dander that could stay because of static. Clean your keyboard with some canned air and a brush, and wipe down with a cleaning solution afterwards.
  • Make sure to disinfect surfaces. Give your station a thorough wipe-down at least once or twice a week. You can use tissue and a bit of rubbing alcohol as most surfaces can stand alcohol, but if your desk is made of more sensitive material, you can use gentle wipes instead. Doing so will target any bacteria buildup, and help remove dirt and food stains.
  • Agree on a fridge schedule with your workmates. More often than not, people will forget that they put food in the office floor fridge. Some containers are unlabeled, food is left to go bad in boxes, which can lead to an accidental stomach inflammation. Agree to label your food and containers clearly, and remind each other that they still have stuff in the fridge now and then. You can suggest taking turns to clean the fridge at the end of each week to avoid running into a health hazard when something that has gone bad ends up in someone’s stomach.
  • Keep a drawer for “safety essentials”. Having a designated space for extra disinfecting wipes, tissues, masks, and spare bottles of hand sanitizer or rubbing alcohol can give one peace of mind. You won’t have to keep running out to the store whenever you need to clean up your workspace.

Working back in an office can be a jarring change, and with the risk of COVID-19, ensuring that your immediate surroundings are safe for you and others to work in is vital. As long as you stay safe, keep your mask on in close contact, and constantly disinfect your things, there will be an extra layer of security.



  • https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/disinfecting-building-facility.html
  • https://hbr.org/2019/03/the-case-for-finally-cleaning-your-desk
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Nina Alvarez is a Content Producer for Healthcare Channel. Her interests include writing, particularly about the healthcare sector and the many ways it can improve to further benefit people from all walks of life.


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