New entertainment resource aims to fight loneliness among elderly
A new entertainment resource called Seniors Happy Life is being launched in Australia to help fight loneliness among older people, with sponsors being sought to provide access to heart-warming stories, nostalgia, puzzles, and humour that can be enjoyed indefinitely.
Millions of older people across Australia, and especially those who have lost partners, live alone, or rely on constant care in an aged care facility, will often tell of the loneliness they face every day, and this despite their best efforts personally, and by facilities and service providers to help them fill in time.
With this, a new and unique entertainment resource, designed to help fight loneliness among older people, is being rolled out across Australia, and sponsors are being sought to ensure that those who are most vulnerable are given access to the resource.
The resource, Seniors Happy Life, is designed to provide hours or days of enjoyable reading and activities each month for users. Seniors Happy Life is 40 pages full of inspiring and heart-warming stories about and by older people, along with a good dose of nostalgia, puzzles, humour and spectacular photos. The content isn’t time sensitive and doesn’t date so each publication can be enjoyed indefinitely.
There is nothing else like it available at the present time and recent subscribers describe Seniors Happy Life as “brilliant”.
Loved ones, aged care facilities, service clubs and caring individuals are being encouraged to sponsor a subscription for those who are unable or incapable of using technology and subscribe for themselves.Seniors Happy Life is a resource that is being produced for compassionate reasons, not commercial reasons. Copies can be posted to all parts of Australia and are available from $2 each plus postage by subscription for individuals, senior groups or organisations, aged care facilities and the like, details can be found at
Source: Seniors Happy Life.
Ritchelle is a Content Producer for Healthcare Channel, Australia’s premier resource of information for healthcare.