The Morrison Government will invest up to $24 million in research to improve acute care systems and reduce waiting times in hospital Emergency Departments (ED). EDs are an essential component of Australia’s health care system, ...
Smear tests are usually used to detect abnormalities in cells that could develop into cervical cancer. Two new studies have indicated that one day they may be used to detect early stages of ovarian cancer ...
Children who experience a nasty and persistent wet cough may be affected by an antibiotic-resistant slime, new research suggests. Some kids with stubborn coughs had a newly-discovered “bacterial slime – called a biofilm – in ...
A new study in Canada shows that AI technology can outperform staff when it comes to monitoring the nutrient intake of residents in long-term care. Checking whether residents are eating the right diet is currently ...
Cases of the SARS-CoV-2 variant Omicron have escalated globally over the past two months, with many countries experiencing peaks higher than previous variants. Now the world is seeing cases of a sub-variant of Omicron, known as ...
From today, eligible Australians aged 16 and 17 years old will be able to receive a COVID-19 booster vaccine, following recommendations from the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI). There are approximately 580,000 16 ...
The Morrison Government will provide $210 million to support the aged care workforce to continue to care for older Australians during the COVID 19 pandemic. A bonus of up to $800 will be made in ...
A man who allowed unregistered individuals to provide occupational therapy and physiotherapy services to aged care residents in Victoria was convicted in the Magistrates Court of Victoria following charges brought by the Australian Health Practitioner ...
Three weeks after Super Typhoon Odette (known internationally as Rai) devastated a huge swathe of the Philippines, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) is warning that nutrition and food security are at risk in ...