Aged Care Aged Care

Improving medication management for all Australians


To improve the quality and safety of medication management for all Australians, the national guiding principles have been updated by the government.

The Department of Health and Aged Care, in collaboration with the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, have updated national guiding principles to improve the quality and safety of medication management for all Australians.

Minister for Health and Aged Care Mark Butler said, “The Government is strongly committed to making sure medicines are used safely and in a way that improves the health and wellbeing of all Australians.”

“The guiding principles will play a key role in shaping future medication management practices in aged care, for the benefit of patients,” Butler added.

The focus is on residential aged care facilities, the community, and on supporting continuity of care at transition points in care, when patients move between different parts of the health and care system, such as when they leave the hospital.

The guiding principles support the Government’s response to improved medication management in aged care, which was a major focus of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety.

The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care led the review, collaborating closely with the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission. Public consultation included more than 80 peak organisations and experts involved in medication management, individuals receiving care, and healthcare professionals, including registered nurses, doctors and pharmacists.

The updated guiding principles align with Australia’s National Medicines Policy, which is currently being reviewed. The guiding principles will be available on the Department of Health and Aged Care website. They can be found under the National Medicine Policy resources collection.

Minister for Aged Care Anika Wells also said, “These updated guiding principles will support safe, high-quality use of medications for all Australians, particularly those receiving aged care.”


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