Aged Care

Equitable pay rises and timely resolution for all aged care workers


The Aged Care Workforce Industry Council (ACWIC) advocates for a comprehensive resolution to Stage 3 of the aged care work value case in the Fair Work Commission, emphasising the need for equitable pay rises for all aged care workers.

While progress has been made in improving wages for certain personnel, ACWIC highlights the importance of ensuring equitable compensation across the board.

Stage 3 presents a significant opportunity for all aged care workers, including critical food services, administration, laundry, cleaning, gardening and maintenance workers, to receive pay increases that truly reflect the value of their contributions. These essential workers are central to delivering safe and person-centred care and deserve to be valued equally.

Amid the pressures faced by the aged care sector in recent years, aged care workers have demonstrated unwavering commitment and resilience, navigating challenges like the global pandemic, fires and floods to ensure continuous care for older Australians.

To provide care that meets the holistic physical, social and emotional well-being needs of older people requires a team approach. The quick determination of final pay rises for all aged care workers that properly and equally reflect the value of their work is critical.

It is only fair that all workers are rewarded equitably for their efforts, to not do so will continue to undermine team morale and productivity.

ACWIC strongly advocates extending full pay rises to acknowledge the vital role each worker plays in delivering care and support to older people.

To positively transform the perception of the aged care industry, raise the bar on care quality, and attract more skilled workers, competitive wages must be ensured across all roles.

Commending the Federal Government’s commitment to fully fund decisions made by the Fair Work Commission in Stage 3, ACWIC urges all parties involved to collaborate and support a timely resolution for Stage 3, securing fair pay rises for all aged care workers.

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Ritchelle is a Content Producer for Healthcare Channel, Australia’s premier resource of information for healthcare.


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