Billions of dollars and thousands of jobs forecasted on quantum technology
Updated market projections released by CSIRO, Australia’s national science agency, have shown that quantum technology is forecast to reach $6 billion and generate more than 19,000 jobs in Australia by 2045.
CSIRO’s original Growing Australia’s Quantum Technology Industry Roadmap has been updated two years on and reflects the growth trajectory of quantum technology across the report’s three key domains of quantum computing, sensing and measurement, and communications.
The new report provides conservative estimates and refinements of the original modelling and extends the forecast from 2040 to 2045 while affirming the economic results from the earlier report.
CSIRO Senior Economist Mingji Liu said that the updated figures reflected recent domestic and global developments in quantum technology’s opportunities.
“Our updated modelling reaffirms that quantum technology continues to be a significant opportunity for Australia in the years to come,” Liu said.
“Although there is still uncertainty as to how quantum technology will be commercialised both around the world and domestically, the start-up funding and investment in quantum is encouraging,” he said.
According to CSIRO Quantum Technologies Director Jim Rabeau, it’s an exciting time for Australia in quantum technology.
“In the last 18 months alone we’ve seen a significant increase in focus to strengthen our position in the emerging global quantum industry,” Rabeau said.
“CSIRO has launched its Future Science Platform, a number of new companies have been backed or reached key milestones, a tech industry group has been formed and we’re seeing an intensive national focus.
“The key now will be to sustain and grow over the long term,” he said.
According to CSIRO Chief Executive Larry Marshall, Australia is now at a pivotal stage of growing its quantum industry and is at a tipping point between research and commercial development.
“We need to harness our bold vision for what this breakthrough technology could mean for some of our largest industries,” Dr Marshall said.
Commercialising these technologies will create a new high-growth industry with the potential to create economic growth and jobs across a range of sectors. The report outlines the opportunities that the thriving technology can unlock for Australia in the health sector by providing large-scale quantum computers to simulate complex molecules and accelerate drug discovery, among others.
Content from CSIRO. Note: Content has been edited for style and length.
Ritchelle is a Content Producer for Healthcare Channel, Australia’s premier resource of information for healthcare.