Healthcare Healthcare News

Australia’s largest children’s charity achieves record-breaking goal


Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation (SCHF) raises a record-breaking $11 million for the 2022 Light Up Xmas Appeal to support sick kids, exceeding their expectations despite economic conditions.

SCHF achieved a record-breaking result for the 2022 Light Up Xmas (LUX) Appeal, raising over $11 million for sick kids.

This is the first time SCHF’s LUX Appeal has broken through the $10m mark.

SCHF CEO Kristina Keneally said that the Foundation had anticipated that the 2022 LUX Appeal might see a decline in donations due to economic conditions.

“With rising interest rates and cost of living pressures, we know families and businesses are doing it tough, but this record-breaking result speaks to Australians’ support for sick kids and for our two terrific children’s hospitals – The Children’s Hospital at Westmead and the Sydney Children’s Hospital at Randwick.”

“This community spirit and support gives so much hope to children and families facing challenging times, serious illness or injury, or a life-changing diagnosis.”

The LUX Appeal $11m recording-breaking result is due to generous corporate supporters such as Ausgrid, Coogee Bay Hotel, Western Earthmoving, and Sydney Markets Foundation, as well as individual donations from everyday Australians. Local community groups and fundraising drives played a big part too, raising almost $1 million.

Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation is one of Australia’s most trusted charities, the largest children’s charity in Australia, and one of the world’s largest children’s hospital foundations. In November 2022, the Fundraising Institute of Australia recognised SCHF as the NSW Fundraising Team of the Year.

Last year, SCH raised $76m from 27,000 donors to support the Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network: Sydney Children’s Hospital at Randwick, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Bear Cottage, the Newborn and Paediatric Emergency Transport System, and Kids Research.

Keneally is encouraging Sydneysiders to go all in for kids’ healthcare with SCHF’s next big fundraiser: Walk For Kids With Cancer.

On Sunday 26th March, walkers can choose between two scenic walks – either a 13km walk from The Rocks to Balmoral or a 27km walk from The Rocks to Manly. All funds will go towards helping kids with cancer improve their treatment and fund research into childhood cancer. For more information visit:   The Walk for Kids with Cancer (

Media release from Sydney Children’s Hospitals FoundationNote: Content has been edited for style and length.


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