Healthcare Healthcare News Mental Health

AU govt: Health professionals’ well-being is just as important as patients


Healthcare professionals are bound to receive mental health support with the extension of The Essential Network.

The Albanese Government has made a powerful statement in support of healthcare professionals with a $1.7 million investment to extend The Essential Network (TEN) project until 30 June 2024.

This project, facilitated by The Black Dog Institute, offers a much-needed lifeline to healthcare workers across Australia who are struggling with their mental health.

TEN, a national, blended-care mental health support service, provides tailored support through a combination of in-person and online resources.

With over 86,000 health professionals already benefiting from TEN’s services, this extension of the project will allow even more healthcare workers to access the support they need to continue providing exceptional care to others.

Assistant Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Emma McBride said, “It is critical that health professionals have access to evidence-based tools and resources to support their own mental health so they can continue caring for others.”

With this investment, the government is sending a clear message to healthcare workers that their well-being is just as important as the patients they care for.

The Essential Network project offers a unique approach to mental health support for healthcare professionals, offering a range of clinical interventions, peer support, self-guided check-ups, and digital programs. This comprehensive approach provides healthcare workers with the tools they need to maintain their mental health and continue providing the care that is so desperately needed in communities across Australia.

Healthcare professionals and practice managers are encouraged to take advantage of this investment by accessing the services provided by TEN.

“I encourage health professionals—those directly involved with patient care and practice managers—to access these services when they need them. This investment is a testament to the Government’s commitment to supporting those who support us, our healthcare professionals,” McBride added.


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