Aged Care

ACN stands firm in aiding overseas nurses, reinforcing aged care


The Australian College of Nursing (ACN) stands committed to collaborating with the Government to fortify the aged care nursing workforce and to wholeheartedly support their endeavours in offering training and assistance to overseas-trained nurses seeking to live and contribute to the workforce in Australia, thereby addressing the escalating demand.

ACN CEO Adjunct Professor Kylie Ward FACN clarified the College’s stance following a misrepresented article in a newspaper.

Ward emphasised that the ACN has consistently championed and advocated for skilled migration among nurses. “As CEO, I have led the College’s long-time efforts to attract, retain and support overseas nurses to come here and stay to provide quality care where it is needed most – often in rural and remote communities”

“ACN has for many years provided training and bridging courses and other support for overseas nurses,” she added.

Highlighting recent developments, Ward revealed, “Just last week I had a meeting with the office of Immigration Minister Andrew Giles to offer support to help facilitate more overseas nurses more quickly into Australia, especially to help targets for 24/7 registered nurses in aged care.”

Ward voiced her concern about a report that inaccurately portrayed ACN’s collaborative efforts with the Government to implement the recommendations outlined in the Royal Commission’s aged care report.

However, she made it clear that ACN opposes any endeavours to mandate union membership for overseas nurses as a requirement for employment. “We have been assured that compulsory union membership for nurses is not on the table,” she affirmed.

Adhering to ACN’s principles, she emphasised the significance of workplace security, safety, and favourable working conditions for all nurses. She underscored that ACN has historically worked harmoniously with nursing unions to ensure equitable pay and fair conditions, thus promoting safety and excellence in nursing throughout Australia.

“We will work with the Government to recruit, train, retain, and respect nurses to increase the nursing workforce across all areas of the health system.”

“For many of the health challenges facing the Federal and State and Territory Governments, nurses are the solution,” Ward said.


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