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What telehealth means for aged care residents


As we all do our greatest to follow new social distancing rules and take a look at to search out a “new normal” it’s important to remain on top of taking care of ourselves. This includes maintaining our appointments with our GPs and medical specialists.

For some patients, however, traveling to determine a doctor will be a challenge – so what if there has been a middle ground? Particularly for older adults who face transportation challenges, health care delivered via technology from a doctor off-site could also be the long run of constructing sure seniors get the health care when and where they have it most. The concept of telehealth has evolved over the past several years and might become a part of the answer for an aging population that needs more care than this system is anticipated to be able to handle.

Hal Wolf, president and CEO of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, a worldwide health care nonprofit that specializes in improving efficiency and quality, says that the terms telehealth and digital health “are the identical thing.

Wolf, who says he’ll be turning 65 during a few years, says baby boomers “want to be during a position of knowing we’re doing well and being supported at the amount that’s needed. Not every senior needs a nurse following them around.” But at the identical time, a touch help managing chronic conditions could help seniors live more productive, enjoyable lives. “What digital health allows us to try and do is remain connected to support mechanisms and do so in an unobtrusive way.” He says keeping intrusiveness to a minimum and maintaining privacy is very important in helping seniors retain their freedom to measure the life they need for as long as possible.

What telehealth means for aged care residents

There are many proven benefits using telehealth in aged care facilities, particularly as residents often have trouble getting out and about.  Reduced need for transport causes less distress for residents. Doctor appointments may also be made at any time without having to attend for a scheduled visit. This provides a large time saving for Doctors, with less wasted time spent traveling they’re able to spend longer with patients.




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