
Top non-surgical alternatives to cosmetic surgery


The decision to undergo cosmetic surgery should never be taken lightly – and thankfully in Australia, it never really is. Our healthcare system’s extensive screening process ensures that Australian GPs are fully aware of mental health concerns and other factors when assessing prospective cosmetic surgery candidates. As cosmetic surgery is more likely to be a completely elective surgery over procedures that are performed for pressing medical reasons, most healthcare practitioners typically advise their patients to consider all the options available to them when deciding whether or not cosmetic surgery is the right solution for their personal healthcare needs.

So what options are available to you? Well, there are actually a growing number of non-surgical alternatives to some of Australia’s most popular cosmetic procedures. From non-surgical rhinoplasties to HIFU treatments, it certainly pays to look into all the less invasive and even lower-cost alternatives to going under the knife.

To shed more light on non-surgical alternatives to cosmetic procedures, we’ll be outlining some of Australia’s most sought after non-surgical cosmetic treatments today. Read on to determine which non-surgical cosmetic treatments are the right fit for you.

HIFU treatments

Let’s start with HIFU treatments, or high intensity focused ultrasound treatments. One of the most innovative, emerging non-surgical treatments, HIFU is a method that utilises focused ultrasound to target specific layers of tissue beneath the surface without affecting surrounding areas. This technology has gained favour as a non-surgical option for tightening and lifting, making it appealing to patients who want to reduce the appearance of cellulite and even aid in reversing natural signs of ageing like skin sagging.

Although HIFU is commonly used as a facial treatment, this non-surgical alternative to face lifts can also be used anywhere across the body, including the axilla region, upper and lower arms, bra line, abdomen, flanks and lower back, outer and inner thighs, and even the knees. 

Alongside being able to get on your feet faster following your HIFU treatments (like seconds later as opposed to weeks of post-surgery recovery), the results of these treatments are also long-lasting, with many patients experiencing noticeable modifications in skin laxity and firmness lasting several months to a year or more.


One of the more well-known non-surgical alternatives to facelifts, botox or botulinum toxin injections, are shots or injections of the botulinum neurotoxin. If you’re wondering precisely what the benefits of injecting toxins into your face are, then let us illuminate you. Botox injections actually prevent muscles from contracting, which can aid in the prevention of creasing or wrinkles across the skin. With your facial muscles unable to contract, they’re placed in a state of relaxation that aids in slowing the development of facial wrinkles.

The ability for botox to relax the muscles is also precisely why botulinum injections are also used to ease symptoms of other health conditions like muscle twitching, overactive bladders, and even excess sweating or hyperhidrosis.

Dermal fillers

Contrary to popular belief, dermal fillers and botox are not the same thing. Whilst botox is applied to prevent wrinkles by relaxing the facial muscles, dermal fillers are actually used to ‘fill’ wrinkles, hence why they’re referred to as ‘fillers’.

There are lots of different types of dermal filler treatments available in Australia, which makes dermal fillers a suitable non-surgical alternative to facelifts as well as a great alternative treatment for any patients that may be allergic to botox. From collagen to hyaluronic acid and even fat injections, you can find a dermal filler that works best for your body. 

Keep in mind, however, that the results of dermal fillers do fade with time and as such, repeat treatments will be required. Most dermal fillers tend to last between 6-12 months, with deeper fillers potentially lasting as long as 2 years.

Chemical peels

Also referred to as chemexfoliation or derma peeling, chemical peels use chemical solutions to effectively remove the top layer of your skin. This helps to reveal damaged skin cells, which may also help even up skin tones and alleviate skin imperfections like age spots, sun spots, and even acne. 

Chemical peels can also vary in their scope of application, with lighter chemical peels being accompanied by minimal recovery time, and deeper chemical peels taking up to 2-3 weeks to recover from. Deeper chemical peels like phenol peels may also require patients to be sedated, just to minimise discomfort during the procedure and reduce the risks of patients experiencing anxiety.

Light or superficial chemical peels can also be performed every 4-6 weeks to maintain their results, whilst deeper peels are generally advised to be 3-4 months apart to reduce the risks of unnecessary stress or damage to the skin.


With over 7 million Australians considering cosmetic surgery in the next decade (according to industry reports), it’s imperative that Aussies of all ages familiarise themselves with cosmetic procedures and their non-surgical alternatives – just so they’re well-informed and can thus make the best choice for their personal healthcare needs. Thankfully, by reading through this list, you’ve been able to learn which non-surgical treatments are most sought after by your fellow Australians.

If you’re considering undergoing cosmetic surgery or any of these non-surgical treatments in the near future, then be sure to consult your GP for more information on any of these procedures and to aid in your determination of whether these treatments are right for you.

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