Danny Ginsberg is a passionate development consultant with a strong eye for organisational needs and workforce competencies. He has a successful background in the creation and execution of leadership and professional development programs, implementing creative solutions to meet business needs.
Danny has been lucky to work for amazing local and international organisations including, IKEA, Bunnings, Department of Sustainability & Environment, Performance Partners Consulting, Specsavers & The Arbinger Institute. Most recently Danny has ventured out on his own into consulting and worked with many large service, retail and franchise companies. He is also an accredited trainer across many different disciplines, such as DISC, TMS, Outward Mindset, Strength Finder and Emotional Intelligence.
Danny’s passion for learning and working towards a successful and dynamic organisational culture is reflected in all he does. He is dedicated to helping individuals grow and develop into inspirational and motivated leaders, which are highly committed to delivering on organisational strategies.
In the corporate world/ industry, Danny is constantly acknowledged for his innovation and creative solutions for learning and development, winning several industry awards over the last few years. He strongly believes in finding ways to challenge the status quo with exciting, original and effective programs.