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Private Healthcare in Australia – Is is worth getting? What are your options?


We’ll cut to the chase and go straight to learning. Today we’ll be discussing Australia’s Private Healthcare System and the most common questions users want to learn about it. The private or independent healthcare sector is formed of hospitals and clinics which are run independently of the National Health Service (NHS). they’re normally run by an organization, although some are also run by charities or not for profit organisations.

If you wish to use the services of a personal healthcare provider, you’re accountable for the fees payable, since the NHS doesn’t subsidise any of the prices for personal healthcare.


Private Healthcare in Australia – Is is worth having?

Private treatment centres are completely independent, you can, in most cases, like better to be treated where ever you prefer. the costs and facilities available will vary from hospital to hospital so if you’re a ‘cash buyer’ (paying for treatment yourself) you’ll want to buy around. Some NHS hospitals may provide a personal wing or clinic which can provide private care at cheaper prices. 

How much is private healthcare in Australia?

Private health insurance costs vary based on what they cover and also state by state. Research by put the average cost for hospital insurance for an individual at around AU$2,000 per year, and ‘extras’ only at $850.

Australia has a system of universal public healthcare: Australian residents all have the right to healthcare subsidised by the government-run organisation, Medicare. Almost half the country has private health insurance on top of this.

Medicare covers a huge proportion of basic costs, although it’s not always given upfront: you may need to pay yourself and claim money back. It’s primarily funded through tax: residents face a ‘Medicare levy’ as part of their basic tax payments.


Is Private Healthcare Worth Having in Australia?

Private health insurance members with a sufficient level of hospital cover are exempt from paying the Medicare Levy Surcharge. If you are on a higher income, it’s often cheaper to get private health insurance than it is to pay the additional surcharge. The MLS will increase to 1.25% if you earn over $105,000 ($210,000 for couples, families and single parents) and 1.5% if you earn over $140,000 ($280,000 for couples, families and single parents).

There are a number of benefits to be had from private medical insurance. The private cover will typically give you access to increased medical resources, reduced hospital waiting times, and a wider range of specialist treatments, as well as a private room.

In the end, it is still up to you to decide whether getting private healthcare is best for you


List of Private Healthcare Companies in Australia

There are 38 private health insurance companies in Australia for you to choose from. However, not all funds are open to the public; some are restricted to specific groups of people, for example, the Teachers Health fund generally only offers cover to Australians in the education community.

Funds open to the public

  • AHM Health Insurance
  • Australian Unity Health Limited
  • Bupa HI Pty Ltd
  • CBHS Corporate Health Pty Ltd
  • CDH Benefits Fund
  • CUA Health Limited
  • GMHBA Limited
  • Grand United Corporate Health
  • HBF Health Limited
  • HCF
  • Health Care Insurance Limited
  • Health Insurance Fund of Australia Limited
  • Health Partners
  • Latrobe Health Services
  • Medibank Private Limited
  • Mildura Health Fund
  • MyOwn Health Fund
  • National Health Benefits Australia Pty Ltd
  • NIB Health Funds Ltd
  • Peoplecare Health Insurance
  • Phoenix Health Fund Limited
  • Queensland Country Health Fund Ltd
  • St. Lukes Health
  • Transport Health Pty Ltd
  • Westfund Limited

Funds restricted to specific members

  • ACA Health Benefits Fund
  • CBHS Health Fund Limited
  • Defence Health Limited
  • Doctor’s Health Fund
  • Emergency Service Health
  • Navy Health Ltd
  • Nurse & Midwives Health
  • Police Health
  • Railway and Transport Health Fund Limited
  • Reserve Bank Health Society Ltd
  • Teachers Health
  • TUH

Source: Private Health Insurance Ombudsman





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