Aged Care Aged Care Healthcare Learning - Topics

20 Easy Coloring Sheets for Seniors


For this week on Healthcare Channel we’ll have a series of fun indoor activities for seniors. First up are easy coloring sheets. You can spend HOURS finishing this while calming your mind.


What are the benefits of colouring for adults?

There are claims by many that colouring is a form of meditation. When you meditate, your brain enters a relaxed state by focusing on the present and blocking out the nonstop thinking we all experience. As a result, you reach a state of calm that relieves your brain from the daily stresses of life.


20 Easy Coloring Sheets for Seniors

We’ve handpicked the most beautiful and simplest colouring sheets you can use. Download and print these fun colouring sheets as you please. Share or bookmark for future use too 🙂


Source: Super Coloring


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